Thursday, September 2, 2010

Liam's Video

This is a few of Danny and Rachel's friends hijacking the blog. A fundraiser was held on August 23rd for the Reilly family. Check out all of Liam's friends in this short video. An account is still open at Wells Fargo for anyone wishing to donate. The account to reference is "The Reilly Family Donation Fund".


Kara said...

For real, Danny & Rachel have the most wonderful neighbors, friends & coworkers. That video was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. What a beautiful and touching act of generosity. Thanks to everyone who planned and participated in the fundraiser! May God bless you.

Anonymous said...

It so great to know things are going well. The nurses at LRH NICU are always asking Dr. Visick for an update on Liam. Your family is an inspiration to all who come in contact with you and we miss little Liam and his sweet family a lot. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as we hope for a speedy recovery and safe trip home! Wendy Rushton

Anonymous said...

As Liam's grandma (Danny's Mom) I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to those who have shown love, done kind acts and deeds, given support, and especially offered prayers in behalf of Danny and Rachel and Liam and their daughters, Niamh, Ryan, and Bergin. My heart has been touched to the core and I have been reminded of the goodness that is all around us that comes from family, friends, and even strangers. May you all be blessed! Thank you, Sharon Reilly

The Keetch Family said...

Wow Rach! What an amazing support group you had. I can't imagine what it was really like to go through what you did this summer, but I'm so grateful so many were there to support and love you guys. You have always had a magical personality and inspire everyone around!