Saturday, September 12, 2009

Window washer anyone?

Danny decided that he wanted to wash windows for the second time this year. He did it earlier this year and did such a nice job. Surprisingly, he did it all on his own. You would think he had a griping wife to drive him to do it, but he likes to do it, at least he has totally fooled me into thinking that. He did the inside and out. I appreciate him and his hard work and I am thankful for his desire for window cleaning.


Jill said...

Send him on over.
(I will take out the screens first so that the windows are ready to go.......)

I like how in the one picture, it is so shiny, you can even see the flash under his arm pit. Nice work, Danny.

Jennifer Payne said...

I love your blog! How fun to see updated pictures of your darling family! Love you!

Krystal said...

Yeah! I am so glad you have a blog! It is absolutely darling- your family is so dang cute! I wish we could see you guys, it has been SO LONG! Love you!

jessica said...

RACHEL WAYNE!!!!!! I saw your name on the side of Jenn's blog and I don't know if I've ever been so excited!! Your blog is just darling! I can't even tell you how excited I am to get to know your precious and beautiful girls better and see a glimpse into your life! Good job Danny... it's perfect how you can see the "ding" (you know, the noise) on the window because it's so clean! :) Rach, I love you so much and am so excited to keep in touch!

Thayne and Krystal Family said...

Thanks so much for telling me about your blog! It's adorable :) Rach, you seriously have the most beautiful family!!!

Jillian said...

Rach- love your blog. I linked you on my blog. Your little girls are absolutely darling. It will be fun to keep in touch this way :)

Emily said...

Hey Rach!
Im so glad I got to see you at the reunion, Your girls are so stinkin cute! My email is I would love to get the pic from the 4th! Yes the ? is another baby!! I find out on the 9th what it is, im really hoping for a girl but Im just going to tell myself its a boy :) How are you? You look so good I love all your pictures they are darling! :)
Love you

Forsberg's said...

Send him over! I have grimy hand prints everywhere!

Froska said...

You are fired. you never told me had a blog. Mine is private so send me your email and I will send an invite. Em

jasonandlizaruys said...

Rachel i LOVE you! Seeing this blog makes me so happy. I'm private so send me your email and we can keep in touch better...

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Rachel- I found your blog while checking out Jillian's high school friends! Could your little girls be any cute? Seriously! :) Looks like you are doing great! :)